  • URBIQUITY 2018 Since twelve years Re:centering periphery develops a reflection on the relation between centres and peripheries as determined by modernist urbanization. Rebooting the project in 2018, we acknowledge that the modernist urban vision has collapsed into the planetary urbanization process. The spatial distinction between urban centres concentrating wealth and power, and dispersed, underprivileged peripheries is melting […] No responses 2018-07-13
  • Power and Architecture The Power and Architecture season opens on June 10th at Calvert 22 Foundation in London. The program focusing on utopian public space and the quest for new national identities across the post-Soviet world includes a conference, a series of exhibitions and workshops, and digital curated content on The Calvert Journal. Re>centering Periphery will be part of the program. Oginoknauss […] No responses 2016-06-07