In 1986 Henri Lefebvre participated together with the architects Serge Renaudie and Pierre Gilbaud to an international competition to remake New Belgrade. Recently published by the artists Sabine Bitter and Helmut Weber, the text accompaning the plans is extremely interesting for several reasons. First of all, because it provides  a wonderful summa of Lefebvres urban theory applied to a specific, proactive aim; that is, a concrete proposal for reorganizing a typical modernist urbanization, build according to  Le Corbusierian principles. Second, because of the context of Belgrade in the second half of last century, which is at once an example of socialist spatial and social organization, and a critical alternative to stalinism: an attempt of a non- allineated country to pursue diffrent principles from both the ideological blocks during the cold war times. Third, because analysis and principles formulated by Lefebvre and his associates call for concepts as “autogestion”, or self-management of society, stressing the importance of practices and the everyday life in rethinking and reshaping the modern city. That is, exactly the focus of our re:centering periphery project…