• Sprawling Detroit An aerial view of Detroit’s suburbs shot by our fellow Nicola “Teach” Guarneri in 2008.  The mainly suburban development pattern of Detroit challenges our project with a quite different configuration from those encountered in most of the cities visited before. The typical relationship between center and periphery is reversed in this location by a core […] jo pixel No responses 2013-09-01
  • Fordism “È un bene che il popolo non comprenda il nostro sistema economico e monetario, perché se accadesse credo che scoppierebbe una rivoluzione prima di domani mattina.” Henry Ford The first use of the term Fordism to define a political paradigm is attributed to Antonio Gramsci.  Undoubtedly the Fordist organization of production has been an essential source of […] jo pixel No responses 2013-07-08
  • Detroit A prototype of the blue collar city, archetype of the Fordist industrial organization of work , Detroit has been strongly affected by the industrial restructuring since the seventies and is an epitome of transformations and contradictions of the late-modern shift towards symbolic economies. The Fordist model of industrial organization has been a reference point for […] jo pixel No responses 2008-12-10