• Architecture in Russia before, during and after Stalin In London for “The Center Cannot Hold” conference, we had the opportunity to meet Vladimir Paperny, author of Architecture in the Age of Stalin, and to revive in a conversation with him our interest on the Russian avant-garde and the fate of modernist urbanism under and after Stalin. Here you find some of his answers regarding: the […] jo pixel No responses 2016-09-13
  • Jean-Louis Cohen / Modernism and periphery November 2010, working on a spot for Moskonstruct we shortly  interviewed via Skype the architecture historian Jean Louis Cohen, one of the major experts of modernism and the curator of the recent exhibition of Le Corbusier at MOMA. Few questions about Narkomfin are published in the incoming Dom Novogo Byta DVD. We plan an extensive interview […] jo pixel No responses 2013-10-05
  • Vladimir Shukhov Vladimir Shukhov is often referred to as Russia’s Edison. He was one of the first to develop stress and deformation calculations, though he is most famous for his creation of double-curving surfaces and the world’s first hyperboloid structures, of which his Shabolovka Radio Tower in central Moscow is a shining example.  Shukhov worked in Philadelphia […] jo pixel No responses 2012-04-13