Lefebvre outlines a suggestive portrait of the future rhythmanalyst, which differs from that of the psychoanalyst. The rhythmanalyst is all ears. He listens not only to words, however, but to everything happening in the world. He hears things that are usually hardly noticed: noise and sound. He pays attention to the babble of voices, but also to silence. The rhythmanalyst is not given to precipitate judgment.Yet, unlike the psychoanalyst, he is not obliged to remain passive. His role as an observer is not that of one lost in thought. He is always listening to his body, to whatever it communicates to him. It is only then that he perceives rhythms coming from outside. The body is, so to speak, his metronome. The rhythmanalyst is master of well-proven techniques: the breathing technique, the rhythms of the heart, the use of muscles and limbs.

Kurt Meyer. Rhythms, Streets, Cities
(translated by Bandulasena Goonewardena)