• Towards Belgrade Invited by Transeuropa festival 2015, we had the opportunity to come back to Belgrade and open again our file on this city. We coordinated a urban reconnaissance workshop dedicated to the “City of Commons”,  taking the cue from the concept of city as a common good to design an urban walk exploring key spaces of Belgrade and its political […] jo pixel No responses 2015-09-26
  • Was Für ein schönes schloss… Oh che bel castello Ma che bel castello, marcondirindirondello, ma che bel castello, marcondirondironda’ Il mio è ancor più bello, marcondirondirondello, il mio è ancor più bello, marcondirondironda’ Noi lo bruceremo, marcondirindirondello, noi lo bruceremo, marcondirondironda’ Noi lo rifaremo, marcondirindirondello, noi lo rifaremo, marcondirondironda’ The old Italian nursery rhyme sings “what a beautiful castle – mine […] jo pixel No responses 2015-01-06