• Visions for the future city At the end of the 1920s, the attention of constructivist architects, in particular those of OSA, increasingly shifted toward a radical critique of the city itself, focusing on visions designed to overcome urban concentration, and introducing concepts of diffuse urbanisation, linear and green cities, ultimately theorising the concept of disurbanism. This term was basically the […] jo pixel No responses 2010-12-01
  • The Milyutins’ Penthouse interior from Milyutin family archive With courtesy of Ekaterina Milyutina – NLO Publishers, Moscow jo pixel No responses 2010-11-15
  • New Life Byt is the Russian term for Everyday Life. The search for a new byt that could supplant the traditional bourgeois family structure was a fundamental issue to be addressed in the early Soviet era. Inspiration came from Lenin himself, who wrote in 1919 that “the real emancipation of women and real communism begins with the […] jo pixel No responses 2010-11-11
  • NY_interview with Yekaterina Milyutin jo pixel No responses 2010-07-03
  • Lefevbre in Belgrade In 1986 Henri Lefebvre participated together with the architects Serge Renaudie and Pierre Gilbaud to an international competition to remake New Belgrade. Recently published by the artists Sabine Bitter and Helmut Weber, the text accompaning the plans is extremely interesting for several reasons. First of all, because it provides  a wonderful summa of Lefebvres urban […] jo pixel No responses 2010-07-01
  • Constructivism Constructivism is one of the most exciting, important, productive, inventive avant-garde movements of the first half of the 20th century. It developed in many cities of the Soviet Union and not only in Moscow. Developments took place in Leningrad, in Ukraina, even in the Caucasus, and were connected to a series of contemporary movements. The […] jo pixel No responses 2009-12-12
  • Narkomfin inspired The Narkomfin building was acknowledged by Le Corbusier as an influence on his Unité d’Habitation . the layout of its duplex apartments have been copied by Moshe Safdie in his Expo 67 flats, as well as by Denys Lasdun in his luxury flats at St James’, London. jo pixel No responses 2009-09-10
  • Inside Narkomfin jo pixel No responses 2009-05-06
  • Dr. N.A. Semashko People’s commisar of the health. Dr. Semashko is an important figure among the circle of the reformers of the everyday. He lived for a while in the Narkomfin but in 1932 he left his first wife there and moved with the new one in a stalinian building closer to the Cremlin. Before the Revolution there […] jo pixel No responses 2009-05-05
  • A.A.Deineka Among the occupants of the Narkomfin building, during the first year there was also Alexander Aleksandrovich Deineka, painter, graphic, member of the Oktober group, author among other works of the wonderful mosaics of the Majakowskaja station of the moscow metro. jo pixel No responses 2009-05-05