• Beograde dobro jutro Sava has split Belgrade into left and right The left is, as its own name says – new, modern, progressive The right is – right, old and conservative. In the right Belgrade is the railway station, in the left is the airport. In the left are new students – in the right old faculties. In […] jo pixel No responses 2013-09-14
  • Sotsgorod Sotsgorod, Problems of Building Socialist Cities is Nikolai Milyutin‘s most well known theoretical contribution. Milyutin was a convinced supporter of the radical reform of everyday life and the refusal of bourgeois values, which in his mind still gave form to the majority of post-revolutionary architecture. He advocated the collectivisation and industrialisation of human settlement, with an eye on […] jo pixel No responses 2013-05-05
  • Disurbanism At the end of the 1920s, the attention of constructivist architects, in particular those of OSA, increasingly shifted toward a radical critique of the city itself, focusing on visions designed to overcome urban concentration, and introducing concepts of diffuse urbanisation, linear and green cities, ultimately theorising the concept of  disurbanism. This term was basically the result […] jo pixel No responses 2013-05-03
  • Dom Novogo Byta / trailer Dom Novogo Byta is a new step into the investigation led by Ogino:knauss on how Twentieth century’s modernist principles shaped the everyday life of urban dwellers, and what is their heritage in a global urbanisation perspective. In 2009 we were invited to produce a video installation for the art exhibition “Moskonstruct”, part of a campaign […] jo pixel No responses 2013-02-05
  • SA_1929 Standardisation has been one of the main themes of the architectural debate in the post  revolutionary context on Soviet Russia, strongly influenced by the contemporary international debate. Constructivists, and in particular the OSA group and the Sovrmennaja Arkhitektura magazine, identified in the issue of creating modular standardised components which could be industrially produced a key […] jo pixel No responses 2012-04-13
  • Design for Childrens Games jo pixel No responses 2012-02-26
  • Moscow in winter The city looks more natural, or maybe less un-natural in the winter light. Perhaps our gaze is more domesticated, more used to the everyday dimension of this megalopolis, but details at human scale show on the surface of our perception. jo pixel No responses 2011-12-20
  • Artists vs. Residents Artists have always inhabited the Narkomfin, and are among those who struggle for saving its architectural heritage. Nevertheless their role in the Narkomfin story is also ambiguous, as possible agents of gentrification and displacement. MIAN is allowing some artists to use the spaces of the building as studio, but the residents react against the artists, […] jo pixel No responses 2011-07-23
  • Moisei Ginzburg Moisei Ginzburg was one of the most active members of the constructivist movement, and a leading figure in many groups and institutions, from OSA which he founded together with Aleksander Vesnin to the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences. The author of numerous theoretical texts, such as ‘Old and New’ and ‘Contemporary aesthetics’, he is often […] jo pixel No responses 2011-06-28
  • Kiev jo pixel No responses 2011-05-23